Finding Inspiration for Your Menu Design: Art of the Menu

Nov 9, 2023

As a restaurateur, bar owner, or café manager, you're not just in the business of feeding bodies; you're in the craft of nourishing souls. Your menu is more than a list of dishes and drinks; it’s the overture to the symphony of flavors and experiences that your establishment promises. In a world where first impressions are paramount, the design of your menu can play a leading role in telling the story of your brand, setting the stage for an immersive dining experience.

The Significance of Menu Design

The adage, "We eat with our eyes first," holds profound truth in the psychology of dining. An aesthetically pleasing and well-designed menu can enhance a guest's appetite and anticipation. A menu's typography, color palette, material, and layout are the silent ambassadors of your brand’s ethos. They are essential tools that can be manipulated to tell a narrative, evoke emotions, and even influence decision-making.

Art of the Menu: A Well of Inspiration

Enter Art of the Menu: an offshoot of the broader brand-focused site UnderConsideration, Art of the Menu is a visual feast for anyone in the hospitality industry. This online archive — while no longer active — continues to serve as a treasure trove of design inspiration, showcasing the most compelling menus from across the globe. From the elegantly minimalist to the ornately baroque, every entry is a testament to the creative potential that menu design holds.

Here’s how you can use Art of the Menu for inspirations:

  1. Understand Trends and Classics: By observing a variety of menus, you’ll develop an intuitive sense of what design elements have resonated with diners while also appreciating timeless classics.

  2. Cross-Pollinate Ideas: A Japanese sushi bar's menu might inspire an Italian trattoria's wine list layout. Art of the Menu encourages this cross-cultural exchange of design concepts, enriching the visual language of your menu.

  3. Material and Print Techniques: The tactile experience of a menu can significantly impact a guest's perception. Learn about unique materials and print techniques that could set your menu apart.

  4. Brand Cohesion: See examples of how menus align with a restaurant’s overall branding, ensuring a seamless brand experience from the street sign down to the dessert card.

  5. Creative Content Presentation: Explore inventive ways to categorize your offerings and present dietary information, making the practical aspects of your menu both helpful and harmonious with your design.

UnderConsideration: The Force Behind the Art

UnderConsideration is an industry pacesetter in the field of graphic design. With a portfolio that includes brand identity, web presence, and strategic consultancy, UnderConsideration has a rich heritage of influencing design narratives.

If you appreciate the rich catalogue of designs from Art of the Menu, you'll also love Brand New, the subscription-based commentary on brand redesigns.

Embracing the Digital Revolution with Sippo

While traditional print menus will always have their charm, the transformation of menus from print to digital is well underway. That’s where tools like Sippo come in: Sippo offers a streamlined, user-friendly platform to bring the tactile beauty of print menus into the digital realm. In an age where QR codes and online ordering have become the norm, Sippo ensures that your digital presence is as compelling and brand-aligned as your physical one.

Sippo allows you to:

  • Update in Real-Time: Instantly modify your menu to feature daily specials, seasonal changes, or out-of-stock items.

  • Embed on your website: Seamlessly add your menu to your existing website, automatically adopting the styles and design you've created.

  • Enhance with Displays: Bring your menu to life on the big screen by easily creating digital displays that match the beauty of your menu.

By using Sippo, you can maintain the creative integrity of your menu design while leveraging the advantages of digital access and flexibility.

The Art of Menu Design: A Continuous Evolution

In the fast-paced world of hospitality, standing still is akin to moving backward. Websites like Art of the Menu and tools like Sippo are more than resources; they can support you as you develop your menu design and strategy — from print, to web, and beyond.

In an era that celebrates the visual as much as the taste, let your menu be an artful prologue to the story you wish to tell. Take inspiration, innovate, and integrate with the digital world. Your menu is not just a list—it's the first chapter of a story your guests are eager to read.

As a restaurateur, bar owner, or café manager, you're not just in the business of feeding bodies; you're in the craft of nourishing souls. Your menu is more than a list of dishes and drinks; it’s the overture to the symphony of flavors and experiences that your establishment promises. In a world where first impressions are paramount, the design of your menu can play a leading role in telling the story of your brand, setting the stage for an immersive dining experience.

The Significance of Menu Design

The adage, "We eat with our eyes first," holds profound truth in the psychology of dining. An aesthetically pleasing and well-designed menu can enhance a guest's appetite and anticipation. A menu's typography, color palette, material, and layout are the silent ambassadors of your brand’s ethos. They are essential tools that can be manipulated to tell a narrative, evoke emotions, and even influence decision-making.

Art of the Menu: A Well of Inspiration

Enter Art of the Menu: an offshoot of the broader brand-focused site UnderConsideration, Art of the Menu is a visual feast for anyone in the hospitality industry. This online archive — while no longer active — continues to serve as a treasure trove of design inspiration, showcasing the most compelling menus from across the globe. From the elegantly minimalist to the ornately baroque, every entry is a testament to the creative potential that menu design holds.

Here’s how you can use Art of the Menu for inspirations:

  1. Understand Trends and Classics: By observing a variety of menus, you’ll develop an intuitive sense of what design elements have resonated with diners while also appreciating timeless classics.

  2. Cross-Pollinate Ideas: A Japanese sushi bar's menu might inspire an Italian trattoria's wine list layout. Art of the Menu encourages this cross-cultural exchange of design concepts, enriching the visual language of your menu.

  3. Material and Print Techniques: The tactile experience of a menu can significantly impact a guest's perception. Learn about unique materials and print techniques that could set your menu apart.

  4. Brand Cohesion: See examples of how menus align with a restaurant’s overall branding, ensuring a seamless brand experience from the street sign down to the dessert card.

  5. Creative Content Presentation: Explore inventive ways to categorize your offerings and present dietary information, making the practical aspects of your menu both helpful and harmonious with your design.

UnderConsideration: The Force Behind the Art

UnderConsideration is an industry pacesetter in the field of graphic design. With a portfolio that includes brand identity, web presence, and strategic consultancy, UnderConsideration has a rich heritage of influencing design narratives.

If you appreciate the rich catalogue of designs from Art of the Menu, you'll also love Brand New, the subscription-based commentary on brand redesigns.

Embracing the Digital Revolution with Sippo

While traditional print menus will always have their charm, the transformation of menus from print to digital is well underway. That’s where tools like Sippo come in: Sippo offers a streamlined, user-friendly platform to bring the tactile beauty of print menus into the digital realm. In an age where QR codes and online ordering have become the norm, Sippo ensures that your digital presence is as compelling and brand-aligned as your physical one.

Sippo allows you to:

  • Update in Real-Time: Instantly modify your menu to feature daily specials, seasonal changes, or out-of-stock items.

  • Embed on your website: Seamlessly add your menu to your existing website, automatically adopting the styles and design you've created.

  • Enhance with Displays: Bring your menu to life on the big screen by easily creating digital displays that match the beauty of your menu.

By using Sippo, you can maintain the creative integrity of your menu design while leveraging the advantages of digital access and flexibility.

The Art of Menu Design: A Continuous Evolution

In the fast-paced world of hospitality, standing still is akin to moving backward. Websites like Art of the Menu and tools like Sippo are more than resources; they can support you as you develop your menu design and strategy — from print, to web, and beyond.

In an era that celebrates the visual as much as the taste, let your menu be an artful prologue to the story you wish to tell. Take inspiration, innovate, and integrate with the digital world. Your menu is not just a list—it's the first chapter of a story your guests are eager to read.